Short story analysis

DescriptionRead James Joyce’s Araby (168) and Bharati Mukherjee’s The Management of Grief (432) and write a comparative analysis of these two stories. Both are in the Norton. The themes of the stories will no doubt, be important, but look too for other literary characteristics often present in fiction. For example, be observant of rhetorical devices of persuasion, figurative language, recurring imagery, and narrative point of view. Show how some of these elements work together to create meaning in these stories. The Norton has helpful tips the five parts of plot (82-9), narration (161-5), character (181-8), setting (253-9), symbol and figurative language (335-40) and theme (384-88). You don’t need to define these terms; just use them in the service of putting forward your own ideas. Explain how your understanding of these two stories fits into a coherent and interpretive understanding of a similar theme, problem, paradox, literary technique, or rhetorical argument that both stories are making. Any points of comparison/contrast must have a larger purpose: there’s no value in saying something like “story X has two main characters whereas story Y has three” unless this point helps you say something else-something larger–than this trite observation. Use your observations to support an overall argument. In other words, it is not enough simply to present a list of that things are similar or different. Instead, try to state what the significance of the differences (or similarities) are, and demonstrate how these things contribute to the larger argument of the text. Place your argument at th every beginning of the paper and forget about the high school models of writing where you make vague and general statements about life and literature. By the time we’ve read your first paragraph, there should be no more surprises about what your argument is. Be clear about the organizing principles of your paper. Present a thesis–that is to say, an argument of substance that requires proof (evidence). The proof emerges from textual specifics (short quotes and deductive and inductive paraphrasing). Assume your reader is a skeptical and hostile Ph.D. with expertise in the field (hostile that is, to your argument). You don’t have to be creative or inventive to keep your reader’s attention. We know how to read. You don’t need to summarize plot; we know the story. (That said, however, in your own writing process, you may need to do your own private plot summary in order to get a clearly understood inventory of the elements of the story.) Stay focused on the most substantial points. Finally, since you only have 1800 words, you cannot say possibly say everything you want to say, and you cannot waste any time with the high school model of writing (intro-body-conclusion or tell them what you’re going to tell them — then tell them — then tell them what you told them). Start immediately with your thesis; don’t waste time with unnecessarily contentious claims (i.e.: “Hawthorne is the greatest American writer ever”). Present your evidence, and get out. Start with your strongest and most convincing points first; then your second-most important, etc..

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