TV and media

How much does TV and media influence teenagers? Does what teens watch influence their selfesteem
or ideas of what it means to be normal and fit in? How and why?
Paper details
subject EDUC 0819: Tweens & Teens
TV and media have the ability to profoundly influence teenagers development and health, especially negatively. Focus on any studies/research where TV and media impact teen’s behavior, beliefs, body image, aggression, violence, etc.
The goal here is to report on relevant literature. Please don’t use and cite literature that is from 20 years ago, 2000 is the latest you can go back. You must cite at least 3 academic sources. Do not use internet search engines – use only databases such as Google Scholar, JStor, etc!
After researching your question, I want you to analyze and critique what you read. Draw some conclusions, i.e., what’s missing from the literature? What are you curious about? Is there a particular problem or new perspective being written about in recent years?
Look for overarching trends in the literature you read. Have certain conclusions continually been reached, or not reached?
Are there any gaps in the research – what’s missing?
The purpose of a literature review is to critically analyze a segment of research. You are to summarize and compare studies you read about, and then draw conclusions about what you’ve read. I know it sounds difficult to do all this in 23 pages. You are welcome to write more, but do your best to be concise.
􀀀 This should be written in traditional format – 1inch margins, 12point
Times New Roman Font, doublespaced.
􀀀 APA style throughout, including citations
Works Cited required.

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