Understanding Experiments in Cognition


  • Watch the video, Experimental Research Methods in Psychology, on the experimental method.
  • Go to the Ashford University Library or Google Scholar and select a peer-reviewed article on a topic of interest among those discussed in our class. If you prefer, you may select an article from the recommended resources.
  • Describe the main research questions that the study attempts to answer. Keep in mind that a description of the main question of the study entails an explanation of the importance of the question (i.e., illustrates the gap in the existing literature).
  • State the main hypothesis (prediction) made by the researchers.
  • Identify the key variables.
  • Describe the critical characteristics of both the participants and the procedures used.
  • Summarize the main findings. How do these findings answer the question that the researchers formulated in the introductory section of the article?
  • Explain the extent to which the findings answer the research question. Do the findings support their research question (or prediction)?
  • Illustrate the weaknesses and strengths of the selected study. For instance, ask yourself questions such as the following:


  • Is the technique used to understand the selected phenomenon able to gather adequate information about it?
  • How does this technique compare to other techniques used in cognitive psychology?
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