Wall Street Journal

Read the following article from the Wall Street Journal and write a critique of the article:

  • Bialik, C. (2011, January 21). College test leaves questions unanswered. Wall Street Journal.
    • Accessible through ProQuest via the MyEdison Portal under the “Educational” tab.

The critique should focus on the issue of critical thinking testing in college work, the methodology used in the test described, and your evaluation of whether critical thinking is or is not tested for adequately in the college curriculum.

Your paper should be 4-6 pages in APA format, excluding title page and bibliography, and should include citations from at least 4 sources, including Paul/Elder.

You should begin the paper with an explanation of the problem to be addressed and state a thesis that you will prove. You should then proceed in the paper to consider arguments for and against the position and endeavor to show the insufficiency of those counterarguments or objections to the position you have taken; i.e., you are to implement critical thinking!

While research is expected, no paper may have more than 20% quotations of others’ material; i.e., you should do your best to ensure that the work and wording are largely your own.

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