Write a report on Elemental vs Trade cost breakdown comparison

Write a report on Elemental vs Trade cost breakdown comparison


Accurate estimation of the construction cost of a project is important from an early-stage. Various studies have focused on identifying the factors that have some influence on the accuracy of early-stage building cost estimating. Below is a table that identify key factors under six groups.

Group 1: Project characteristics

Examples: Project location, Project duration, Project complexity

Group 2: Client and Consultants

Examples: Client type and his experience, Experience of consultants, Completeness of project documents

Group 3: Material Market

Examples: Material prices, Material quality, Material availability

Group 4: Labour Market

Examples: Labour prices, Labour performance, Labour availability

Group 5: Financial Market

Examples: Economic climate, Competitors, Contract methods

Group 6: Other external factors

Examples: Government regulations, Industrial relations, Weather effects


Part 1: From the table given above, you are required to select ONE group and explain how the factors in the chosen group generally affect accuracy of building cost estimating. You are required to bring examples from industry cases; and, research findings from relevant journal articles and books to support your discussion.

Part 2: Select a building element (e.g. internal wall) and identify which trade items of a Bills of Quantities would relate to that element.

Word limit: Total of 1000 words (+/-10%) excluding references and appendices.

Formatting Guide:

· Include a title page, a small introduction and conclusion.

· The body could be arranged in main and sub headings.

· The arguments should be supported with in-text references and analysed using appropriate tables and diagrams.

· Also, add any appendices that show evidence of industry data collection e.g. interview notes, construction project details

· Please include the word count excluding references and appendices at the bottom of the title page.







High Distinction

Analysis on influencing factors

[5 marks]

No or superficial analysis on how the chosen factors affect costs;

No attempt to use graphic(s) to illustrate the analysis.

Attempts to analyse on how the chosen factors affect costs, though the analysis misses some details;

Attempts to illustrate the analysis with graphic(s), though with errors.

Adequate analysis on how the chosen factors affect costs;

Graphic(s) are used to illustrate most aspects of the analysis, though with some degree of illegibility.

Thorough analysis on how the chosen factors affect costs;

Effective use of graphic(s) that clearly illustrate most aspects of the analysis.

Comprehensive analysis that elaborates and details on how the chosen factors affect costs;

Highly effective use of graphic(s) that clearly illustrate the analysis.

Elemental vs Trade cost breakdown comparison [5 marks]

Poor comparison demostrating no or little understanding on elemental vs trade items.

Satisfactory comparison demostrating some understanding on elemental vs trade items.

Good comparison demostrating a good understanding on elemental vs trade items.

Very good comparison demostrating a high level of understanding on elemental vs trade items.

Excellent comparison demostrating a very high level of understanding on elemental vs trade items.

Depth of Research

[5 marks]

No or limited references/ industry sources are used.

Attempts to use references/ industry sources to back up your points, though some of them are irrelevant and/or from non-academic/professional sources.

Adequate use of references/ industry sources to back up your points, though some can come from non-academic/professional sources.

Effective use of references/ industry sources to back up your points; all sources come from academic and professional sources.

Highly effective use of quality academic and professional references/ industry sources to back up your points.

Academic writing

[5 marks]

Paragraphs are poorly constructed or confusing, argument is difficult to determine and/or follow.

Non-conventional spelling, punctuation and grammar interfere with meaning.

No attempt to format the report consistently.

Frequent errors in both in-text and end list referencing.

Attempts to construct the paragraphs that support the development of the argument;

Frequent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar but they do not interfere with meaning.

Attempts to format the report, though with frequent errors.

In-text and end list referencing not according to Harvard style.

Paragraphs are adequately constructed to develop the argument logically.

Some minor errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and typos.

Adequately formats the report, though with some minor errors.

In-text and end list referencing inconsistently follow Harvard style.

Paragraphs are mostly well-constructed that develop the argument logically.

Conventional spelling, grammar and punctuation, though with some typos.

Formatting is mostly consistent throughout.

In-text and end list referencing consistently follow Harvard style.

Paragraphs are consistently well-constructed that clearly and logically develop the argument.

Conventional spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Formatting is consistent throughout.

In-text and end list referencing, consistent and accurately follows Harvard style.

Project does not have any attached files

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