Write a paper on Causal Mechanisms of Protected Areas on Poverty

Write a paper on Causal Mechanisms of Protected Areas on Poverty

This study focuses on answering the question of how protected forest areas reduce poverty.

Studies done in the past have already claimed that protected areas have played a role in reducing

poverty in the surrounding areas, but they do not provide the mechanisms that lead to these

poverty reductions. Using Andam et al. (2010) data set, the study identifies three mechanisms

that might lead to poverty reductions in Costa Rica due to protection of forested land: tourism,

infrastructure development and ecosystem services mechanisms. To estimate the impacts of these

three mechanisms, the manuscript uses proxies: creation of park entrances, changes in road

networks and changes in forest cover. Since, mechanisms are affected by the treatment

(protection) treating mechanisms as an independent variable and controlling for them in a

regression will generally produce biased results. The main aim of the study is to estimate the

Mechanism Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (MATT). The manuscript provides a

detailed theoretical econometric foundation for the unbiased causal estimates. It uses a two stage

estimation strategy, adjusting for bias and uses robust standard errors to deal with

heteroskedasticity. The results show that tourism plays a vital role in reducing poverty relative to

the other two mechanisms, which are found to be insignificant and close to zero. Several

robustness checks produce similar results.

I view this manuscript as an interesting study, with necessary attention given to the

methodology section. The theoretical background provided to develop the causal relationship

between the mechanisms and poverty is rigorously explained. Particular attention is given to the

assumptions being made and the estimate being evaluated. The paper is well structured with no

unnecessary descriptions and very few repetitions. The paper makes significant contributions to

the literature; however, some key issues have not been addressed. Besides not addressing these

ECN 331 – Empirical Methods

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issues, the author/s should also consider further discussion/explanation of the main ideas

(discussed under minor comments). The manuscript also needs to be edited in certain places

(discussed under minor comments).

Major comments:

1) Clarity and style: The introduction is precise and clearly states the motivation. However, an

explanation of how the paper progresses at the end of the introduction should be provided.

Giving more information on the data set being used would be helpful. Not enough credibility is

provided for the proxies that are used, particularly for infrastructure development. The discussion

on standard errors could be placed in an appendix as the reader does not get to the results until

page 21.

2) Explicit assumptions: Reductions in poverty near protected areas might reduce poverty in

other areas nearby due to a boost in economic activity in the region. Poverty might also be

affected if protection encourages migration to the towns closer to the protected lands. This might

create further financial differences between towns near protected and unprotected parcels.

Hence, poverty is being affected not due to the mechanisms but through other sources. I believe

the authors are implicitly making the assumption that no other sources are at play here. The main

problem with this assumption is that its violation, in the context of this study, is not really clear

in which direction would it bias MATT. Another assumption implicitly assumed is that of

common support: ( | ( ) ( ) ) . These assumptions should be

explicitly stated.

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3) Reversal of sub-group rankings: Lands where protection had the greatest effect on

deforestation are different from parcels of land where protection had the greatest effect on

poverty. This was one of the findings of Ferraro and Hanauer (2011). Protection reduced

deforestation mostly on those parcels which had high land use capacity, whereas poverty

reduction was found on lands with low land use capacity. Lands of different productivity are

used in the matrix of covariates and each is given equal weightage. This might bias the results.

Since, low land use capacity sees the most poverty reduction; more weightage should be given to

this covariate. On the other hand, less or no weightage should be given to high land use capacity.

There seems to be a trade-off between deforestation and poverty alleviation.

4) Give details regarding follow-up surveys. The authors used follow-up surveys for the main

analysis. What was the attrition rate? Were there incentives associated with survey responses?

5) Was the sample truly random? Did the researchers in any way influence who was given the

treatment and/or who was placed in the control group? The authors need to elaborate on this?

6) Results. The authors stated that the income effect was 5%. However, Figure 3 shows that the

incomes were decreasing throughout the program. Was this taken into account in the

computation of the income effect?

7) Tables 3 and 4 provide similar information and may be combined into one table.

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8) Discussion. There was no mention of the limitations of the study, one of which is the

apparently high dropout rate. Also, mention how your results compare to (reference given to

author) another study which was published very recently.

Minor comments:

1) No abstract is provided with the manuscript. It would be nice if the audience is made aware of

how the paper is structured at the end of the Introduction.

2) On page 8 it is stated that if mechanism effect of ecosystem services is negative, one of the

explanation for this outcome would be that protection has “no effect on poverty or their positive

effect is smaller than the negative effects”. Isn’t this misleading, since a negative coefficient for

this mechanism would imply that ecosystem services actually increase poverty?

3) The mechanisms help to explain only 60% of the effects on poverty. There is no discussion of

other mechanisms. Moreover, only those mechanisms are studied in this paper that affect poverty

positively. What about factors that might have negative effects on poverty? The MATT

coefficient for infrastructure development was not significant. This might be due to the proxy

that is being used. Construction of roads might not be capturing all the effects. Maybe roads are

not being constructed because of strict protection laws. There might be other infrastructure

development that might capture the effects of this mechanism on poverty. Secondly, after

matching the improvement in mean difference for roadless volume is only 58.75%. Shouldn’t

this be a concern?

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4) Footnote 7 on page 13 does not provide the correct definition of ATT. The definition gives an

unconditional mean. ATT should be conditional on the treatment and covariates. Hence

ATT should equal

[ ( ( )) ( ( ))| )] [ ( ( )) ( ( ))| )]

5) Matching technique: Mahalanobis covariate matching with replacement technique is used for

covariate balancing. One reason for using this technique is it was used in Andam et al. (2010).

Providing some minor details like

(i) The Mahalanobis metric is ( ) ( ), where is the variance-

covariance matrix.

(ii) It generates good matches and is recommended for achieving balance on higher-order


about this technique might be beneficial.

6) On page 22 results of Table 3 are being discussed. In the last paragraph for the forest cover

proxy, numbers of Table 4 are used. For example the MATT estimate from Table 3 is 0.103 and

not 0.099 (which appears in Table 4). Similarly, had protection not affected deforestation, 23%

of the protected census tracts, on average, would have been deforested between 1960 and 1986.

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The expression “over 22%” in this paragraph I think is referring to the counterfactual mechanism

0.223 that appears in Table 4.

7) There are a few editorial issues: no space is given between certain words. On page 18 line 1,

there should be space between “obtained from”, in the line after equation (13) there should be

space between “of times”, in footnote 10, there should be space between “is available” and

finally on page 23 after equation (23), there should be space between “ ̂ represent”. In equation

(5), an is missing and below equation (10) it should be not . It is not clear in Table 1 that

the summary statistics for land productivity are for which year.

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